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Rate Our Service

  • On forms 1 is worst and 5 is excellent.  Or sliding scale from 0 for worst to 100% for excellent
Name *
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e-mail *
Contact number
Waybill Number
How often do you use our services
Your Preferred method of arranging your collection
How Satisfied are you with our collection services
0 100
Which service do you use most often
How would you rate the pricing for services provided

Please rate the following statements regarding your interaction with these types of services:

Courier arrived / arrives on specified time
Courier was friendly and helpfull
Courier provied correct documentation
Reception at office was helpful and friendly
When interacting telephonically, staff is friendly and helpful.
How would you rate our parcel tracking system?
Shipping was carried-out according to the agreed conditions
Goods arrived in full and were undamaged
The packaging and product/s were undamaged
Have your complaints been resolved to your complete satisfaction? If Yes provide details
Details of how complaint was handled
Please rate the overall level of satisfaction with our courier/delivery service:
Would you consider recommending our courier/distribution services? If Yes please give details
Details of Why you would recommend us.
How can we improve our service levels ?

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